Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Decor... & Some Pumpkin Painting

This is the first year I've ever put out
any fall/Halloween decorations INSIDE my
house... I didn't go all out or anything, but
I really like the little bit that I did! It's a good
start anyways, and I think I'll just keep adding
to it each year, because I kinda like it!  
I already had the black stands and orange burlap.
I found the candle at Marshall's, and the owl and
pumpkins came from Big Lots! I couldn't believe
what cute stuff they had there!! While I like everything
that's on the table, I still think it's missing something...
But at this point I will just wait til next year to add to it.
I really like the mixture of the white, silver and black items.
I found this cute little towel at Target for $1... you can't
get much better than chevron and polka dot pumpkins!
For one of the guest bathrooms, I found
this adorable hand towel from Target.
The glittery pumpkin is also from Big Lots.
And this is one of the printables that I shared
last year (click HERE). I'm loving it!!

The second guest bathroom is decorated more for fall than
for Halloween... and I only just added a multi color pumpkin
(another find from Big Lots). It's the same colors that the bathroom
is done in, so it really looks perfect in there. I like it =) 

So that about sums up the inside decorating that
I did this year.... not a bad start, right?!?
The rest of this doesn't have anything to do with decorating,
but I'm adding it because it all happened around the same time.....
We had some friends over for Sunday lunch a couple weeks
ago. I grabbed plates, napkins, and cups from Target for $1
each, and the bowls and straws from the dollar store.
I borrowed this burlap pennant from our church (one of the
many random but useful things that I'm glad was donated
to the church...  instead of just throwing it away).
I made potato soup (click HERE for the recipe) & cheesy
crescent rolls. One family brought delicious pumpkin
 pie, and another family brought appetizers - pepperoni
chips, perogies, and sausage dip/chips! Yum Yum!
There were four kids that came over with their parents,
so I got the supplies for the kids to paint and decorate their
own pumpkin. It entertained them and was a really easy
setup... I got a couple plastic tablecloths from the dollar store
and put one on the floor and one over the table. I set out
paint, eyeballs, poms, glitter, and glue and let the kids have at it!
They had fun and so did I.... but the pumpkin I painted ended
up looking more like an Easter egg... wrong holiday, Rachel.
 Happy Halloween!!!

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