Thursday, November 7, 2013

10 Year High School Reunion

I can't believe that TEN YEARS have passed since I graduated
high school.... I'm now officially one of "those old people" that
my younger self always pitied! You know, the one who can't function
past midnight, who has an internal alarm clock that won't let her sleep
past 7:00, who would rather spend most Friday evenings at home, in her
sweats, watching a redbox movie while eating kettle corn, and if she's
feeling a little crazy, will drink a root beer! Yeah, that's my life now.
BUT, I'm 100% content with where I am at this point in my life, and I
didn't even dread my high school reunion (like so many often do). I
graduated with a relatively small class, around 100 people, and although
Facebook has made it much easier to keep up with what's happening in
everyone's lives, I was excited to catch up with friends I hadn't seen for years.
So Saturday was the big day. Even though I knew for ten years that it was
coming, it kinda crept up on me! Weird. Unfortunately, I've been sick for
over 3 weeks now, and Saturday was actually one of the worst days I'd had.

But, because my sis was one of the people in charge of planning the reunion,
I, of course, had to help her! And I ended up spending a good portion of
Friday and Saturday helping set everything up. I was pretty much exhausted
by the time the reunion actually started. At any rate, I'm so glad I went and
stayed the whole time - I loved seeing everyone, meeting their spouses, fiance's
and significant others, and had fun dancing, eating, and laughing! Too bad I
look sick and tired in every picture. Oh well!! Better luck next time, I suppose.
**I found my necklace in New York City the weekend before the
reunion.... the pictures don't do it justice because it was so pretty!**

A special part of the reunion decoration honored our friend
who was tragically killed in a wreck shortly after graduation.
Antwuane was everyone's friend and he will always be missed
and remembered. His picture was set up at the entrance, along with
our senior yearbook, a chalkboard welcome sign, and some music playing.

We had the reunion at The Palms, which is a smaller reception
hall about 20 minutes from our high school. It was catered by
Le Bistro, a delicious restaurant, and they served heavy appetizers.
For entertainment, there was a DJ, and a photo area with lots of props.

  Although only 27 alumni were able to come, it was a really
nice time and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one!
Hoping that some people who didn't come to this one, for one
reason or another, will be able to come to the next. They missed out! 

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