Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Card 2013

So maybe I'm just a little bit crazy.... but I started
thinking about my Christmas cards back in September!
I had decided that I wanted to get some pictures taken at
the cabin my husband's side of the family has been
in the processing of building this year. My family was all
going to be there for a long weekend in September, so it
worked out perfectly for my sister to take the pictures for us.

The picture below is a cell phone screen shot of the card,
so it's a little blurry, but the actual cards turned out great! 
I found this printable online that I thought would
be something cute and different to use in a card.
I already had the red frame so all I did was get
chalkboard vinyl from Hobby Lobby and then while I
was getting ready, my mom and sister put it on
a piece of cardboard sized to fit the frame. It really
worked well to have 2 people working on it. Oh, and
they used a boxcutter on the vinyl to cut it.
My sister used the printable I found as a
guide to draw on the words.... she did a great job!

After I decided on a picture (which really wasn't
easy... my husband wasn't in the mood to get
pictures done, and it was obvious!), Rebekah added
the little bit of wording at the bottom of the picture.
I think it mimics the style of the lettering on the chalkboard
pretty well! Then we emailed the picture to office depot
and they printed off 500 pictures on cardstock and cut them
to size. The lady there gave me two different discounts
which took about $45 off the final price! She said it was
because we had to wait longer than usual due to a rather
difficult customer who was ahead of us in line.
For envelopes, I grabbed some from Hobby Lobby when
they were 40% off. I stuffed them during the car ride
to my in-laws for Thanksgiving, addressed the cards on
Thanksgiving Day, and my father-in-law and 2 year old
niece helped me seal the envelopes!  I still have a few more
that I need to get in the mail tomorrow... and a handful to give
out to people when I see them at church on Sunday, but the
majority of them have all been sent/given out.
Hope you like it! Merry Christmas!

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