Thursday, December 5, 2013

DIY Ornaments Using... Scrabble Tiles

I haven't posted in such a long time.... but I've just
been a little busy bee so I've got lots of good stuff
coming up to post! So keep checking back in =)

For today, I'm sharing Scrabble tile ornaments that
I made for zero dollars - I had everything just laying around
the house.... We've had a Scrabble for years and never play
it, so I figured I might as well use the tiles for ornaments. 

Below are all the words I made with my one set of Scrabble
tiles.  If you happen to use your Scrabble game to actually play,
or if you don't have the game already, you can buy scrabble tiles
online, or check your local Goodwill store!

I had to decide if I wanted the word to hang horizontal or
vertical first. Then I broke a wooden stick to be just slightly
shorter than the length of the word. I'm sure there's a better way
to do this that would make a clean cut, but I was lazy and didn't
want to walk out to the garage and get something, so I just used
my muscles! I hot glued twine to the middle of the stick (if vertical,
the top of the stick) and then hot glued the letters on.
And that's it! I made 13 ornaments without spending a dime and
helped make my Christmas tree look a little more crafty!


1 comment:

    Very good blog post. I definitely love this site. Continue the good work!
