Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What Will It BEE?? A Gender Reveal Party!

On Thanksgiving Day, my friends Josh and Lauren
announced that they were pregnant! I am thrilled for
them and know that they will be amazing parents!
They threw a Gender Reveal party with a bee theme
on Saturday evening and it was just so cute :)
I loved the baby book that all the guests signed. And
this is one of the cutest diaper cakes I've seen!

 Honey sticks were handed out as favors.

 Josh's sister made this sign that was at the entrance of the party. Perfect!

  5 out of 7 Old Wives Tales predicted a boy....

Josh and Lauren served lots of yummy food... I didn't good pictures of
the regular food... they had Rollzzz and Bunzzz for ham sandwiches,
Meatballzzz, Chipzzz and Salsa, and Deviled Eggzzz!
The dessert table was pretty impressive though!!


 I loved the decorations too... gotta love a party where
stuff hangs from the rafters!

The news was inside this giant balloon... Josh and Lauren
had their ultrasound tech put the picture in an envelope and seal
it. They took the envelope, this giant balloon, along with pink and
blue confetti to a local florist shop and told the florist to wait til
they left to look at the ultrasound and fill the balloon with the
correct color confetti. Poor Josh... the suspense was killing him!
Everyone who thought it was a girl...
Everyone who thought it was a boy....
And now for the big reveal....!!!!!
IT'S A BOY!!!!
Bronson Josiah Arrick... due May 2014!!
Can you believe Lauren is almost 5 months
preggo? She is so tiny and just beautiful!!
Congratulations friends... I've already bought some
baby boy stuff for baby Bronson!! I love him already!

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