Thursday, January 2, 2014

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY New Year... Duck Dynasty Style!

I honestly thought that New Year's Eve would be spent 
at the house, in sweatpants, struggling to stay awake til that
dang ball drops at midnight... and with December being such
a crazy busy month, I was OK with the idea of a lazy evening.
Until I went to Wal-Mart the Saturday before Christmas...
(don't even get me started on that... I was DONE Christmas
shopping, and then my brother talked me into helping him
finish all his...) But, that's when I decided I NEEDED to have
a New Year's Eve Party. And it HAD to be Duck Dynasty theme!
At first, I wasn't really a fan of the show... I watched it with Isaiah
because he liked it, but I just didn't see what was so funny about it,
and it was obvious that it was scripted. But after about four
episodes, I was hooked! Maybe it's because those guys remind
me so much of my husband.... especially Jase!! Anyways, I bought
up a bunch of Duck Dynasty party stuff and invited a few friends
to the house. So here's what I pulled together...
Camo tablecloth, plates, napkins, and toasting cups

Duck Dynasty cups for everyone to take home 

Hats, glasses, beards, and headbands
Duck call party horns
Some of the food I served got redneck-ified.....
FROG LEGS (fried chicken)
'COON TURDS (baked beans)
RABBIT FOOD (veggie tray)
"That fruit is for Yuppies" (fruit tray)
 We also had deviled eggs, chips & dip, chocolate
chip cookies, and pretzel/rolo treats.
And you GOTTA have a little tea at a Duck Dynasty
party... but unlike Uncle Si, it's gotta be SWEET.
 Loved spending the evening with these great friends!!
My husband refuses to wear costumes... but since he went
hunting during the day on New Year's Eve, he just kept
on what he had and it was the perfect "Jase" costume!  
 What a fun way to ring in the New Year, "and that's a fact, Jack!"

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