Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Color Run 5K, Louisville KY

I've been running for about 8 months now... and finally got the
chance to do The Color Run 5K last month in Louisville, KY.
My sister lives there, so me and two other friends drove in
to run with her and some girls from her church.
This 5K is perfect for beginners - it's not timed and it's meant
to be just for fun.  There's always lots of walkers, so you wouldn't
be the only one walking if you needed to stop.
In Louisville, there were approximately 9,000 runners - it was crazy!
They send waves of runners - we were actually in the second wave, so
we got finished at a decent time.  But as we were finishing, there were
still people that were just starting! 
Here's a BEFORE picture of our group...
They have color stations every so often throughout the 5K. The
first station we came to was BLUE. I was having so much fun that
as I ran past the first volunteer, I threw my arms up and cheered
loudly.... only to have a ton of blue powder hit my face! I got
smurfed! Powder in my mouth, on my teeth, in my armpits...
When you finish, you get to throw your packet of color in the
air and get even more color on you. They do this periodically
so people can participate shortly after they finish running.  
And here's the AFTER picture....
There's all kinds of cute signs for photo ops...
Showing off our stained armpits!

After we signed up for the run in Louisville, the Color Run added
a location in my hometown! So it looks like I'll be doing it again...
this time, we've talked our mom into going with us - this will be
her very first 5K! I'm excited for her!  If you want to sign up, it's
August 31 in Huntington, WV. Come on out to the "Happiest" 5K!

Here's the website to register.
It's kind of a pricey run but it's totally worth it to do at least
once!  An individual costs $50, but a team runner costs $45.
You could sign up with our team - River City Runners (Hinerman)
to get the discount! Also try entering the promo code
COLOR5OFF for $5 off the entry fee. It worked for me!
Pick up your packet the day before the race. 
You can have someone pick up your packet for you, but you have
to fill out a waiver form and send it with whoever is picking it up.

Wear stuff that you don't really mind getting stained - from your
shirt, shorts, sports bra, underwear, socks, shoes, headband - literally
anything on your person could get stained.
The color packet you get is for the END of the race. You will have to carry it with
you during the race, unless you have someone at the finish line hold it for you.
Put your cell phone/camera in a plastic baggie or something similar.
It will more than likely get color on it too!
My sister's iphone case was a fabric material, and it got stained.

Bring old towels or blankets to cover your
seats up in the car for the ride home.
Decide ahead of time a specific meeting place/time for your team
members. Not everyone takes their phone with them for you to
call and find out where they are. 
The closer you are to the volunteers who are distributing the color, the more 
you will get! If you run in the middle, you will get less color. You can go slowly
through the color stations if you want and twist and turn to get more color too!
Runners stay to the left, walkers stay to the right. Please!
Don't plan on going anywhere for a few hours after the race.
Getting the color off isn't easy! It takes quite a bit of scrubbing.
You will have color in your ears, up your nose... 
We were told that if you wanted your shirt to stay stained, you
could spray vinegar on it before washing it. I don't think anyone in
our group tried it. But I might for the next race!

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