Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Twine Initial Wreath

I've been working on a TON of different projects all at once, but
most of them aren't quite finished yet - that's a big reason why I
haven't been able to post anything lately... But hopefully I can get
some projects wrapped up soon so I can share with all of you!
What I do have ready are these two simple, cute wreaths. Now that
I think about it though, can you call it a "wreath" when it's not round
at all? Not really sure what else I would call it... maybe door decor??
I don't know. Whatever. I'm sticking with wreath. ANYWAYS...
My sister made this H wreath. She used cardboard to cut out an
H, and secured the twine to the cardboard using hot glue. A few
paper flowers, a bow, and a ribbon completed the look. How cute?!?

I loved this wreath so much that I literally took it off her
door to put on mine! It's very convenient that we both have the
same last initial (actually, we have all the same initials, RLH).
One of my prerequisites for a husband was that his
last name had to begin with an H! Kidding... not really... :)
After putting up the H wreath at my house, I bought pink flowers
to put in planters on either side of the door. I think it's a cute
summer look, even if it is more girly than what I usually do.
Anyways, two weekends ago, we had a bunch of people
over to the house for a new bible study group. One of the girls
liked the wreath and said she would love to have one, so I made
her one on Sunday =) She asked for the ribbons to be black. I
ended up just getting a D from Hobby Lobby (40% off too with
a coupon!)  and I already had the other supplies. It isn't as
big as the H wreath, but it's still adorable!

 These wreaths would also look perfect in the spring and fall,
just by switching out the colors of the ribbon. Hope you like them....
(but I mean, honestly, if you don't, you're a little weird!!!)