Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A "Golden" 50th Anniversary Celebration

I hope and pray that Isaiah and I will live long
enough to make it to our fiftieth wedding anniversary...
In this day and age, it's almost unheard of for a couple
to stay married for (or live) that long! But there's a special
husband and wife at my church who celebrated this
event last month, and my sister and I had the privilege of
helping them put the party together!
Allan and Donna had a pretty good idea of what they
wanted for this party... they had already picked the day
and time, asked that it be a more casual affair, and wanted
the colors to be black, white and gold. So my sister and I took
that information and ran with it!  Now, black and gold aren't
your typical "casual" colors, but we decided if we used
chalkboards throughout the party, it would help create the
informal atmosphere that the Hutchison's were wanting.
Here's the invitations... Rebekah designed them - this was the first
time she's ever done something like this, and it looks better than all
the invitations I looked at online! I mean, this looks professional.
 And what's even better is that all the fonts were downloaded for free! 
The invitations were sent in handmade envelopes, made from
gold antique-colored scrapbook paper. They were so sweet!
We decided pretty early on what we wanted for centerpieces...
Wine bottles that we spray painted with chalkboard paint, and
then Rebekah wrote on them with a chalkboard marker. The flowers
in each bottle were borrowed from a coworker of mine (thanks Jenna!).
The mason jars had a couple pictures of Allan and Donna in
them, and were filled with vegetable oil. And I already had
the gold fabric leftover from a party a few years ago. 

Next, we found this adorable printable for FREE...
how perfect?!? The breakdown of just how many
months, days, hours, and minutes that Allan and Donna
have been married. I loved it!! 

We decided to use the time quantities from the printable above
as decoration on the backs of the chair covers. Rebekah printed
them onto the same scrapbook paper that was used to make
the envelopes for the invitations.
These banners are a little difficult to read, but here's what they say: 
loved you then
love you still
always have
always will 
 Donna requested that there to be gold candy at the reception
to signify their "golden" anniversary... so we baggied up the
candy and put cute little chalkboard sticker tags on them.


Our idea for a guestbook came from my cousin's wedding
earlier this year.... a canvas print that everyone signs!
So we arranged with Allan and Donna to take some pictures
on a weekend that Rebekah was coming into town.  The
Hutchison's are so adorable (they don't look like they have
enough years on them to have been married for this long!!!)
and there were so many good pictures to choose from.
Of course, we had a chalkboard with a rhyme that told
people we wanted them to sign the picture...   
 I wish I would have taken a picture of the canvas after
everyone had signed it. I just love that it's something
different than the usual guestbook!
Rebekah made an enormous 50, painted gold with a hint
of glitter. And we reused these gold yarn balls from a friend's
wedding that was in 2010... I honestly can't believe they haven't
been thrown away yet! But we needed to add a little something,
and they did the trick. This is Allan and Donna with their
daughter and her boyfriend.

For cups, we used mason jars with gold scrapbook paper
tags tied on with various ribbons. And don't you just love
the striped straws? Found these suckers on sale at Target! 

 Allan and Donna happened to get married the day after
President Kennedy was killed. She kept these newpapers
all these years... along with her wedding announcement.
So we displayed these wedding day headlines.
Donna had this delicious cake made, and she still had her
original cake topper that was used on the top! I love it!
We displayed a few more pictures from their photo shoot,
and hung some banners that read "50th & Forever".

 This piece of decor at the party came right off Allan and Donna's
wall at their house! But it was just too perfect not to use.
Donna helped us out a little and found gold plates, gold coffee cups,
and black and white napkins with their initial on it while she was on
vacation!!! They were perfect for the party!

 I was a tiny bit overwhelmed because this was a big party
and I didn't have Rebekah with me on the actual weekend
of the party... so I didn't get as many pictures of everything
that I wanted. I missed a whole section that included a
picture of Allan and Donna on their wedding day! I'm so sad.
Allan and Donna had about 100 friends and family that were able
to join them to celebrate this big day... there was lots of yummy
food, delicious cake, some funny stories shared, a game to
see how well Allan and Donna know each other after 50 years,
and all in all, it was a joy to share this amazing day with them!
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison! 

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