Thursday, December 12, 2013

Progressive Dinner 2013 for Church Staff

Saturday was the second annual church staff
Christmas Progressive Dinner... it's just the tiniest
way to show the staff at our church (along with their
spouses, who usually end up doing quite a bit at the
church too!) that they are appreciated and loved!
*Click HERE to see the first one done in 2012*

There were three host homes, and I got to host again!
I set up a table for 7 in the living room, and a table
for 8 in the dining room. I hate that I had to split the
group up, but there was no other way for me to have it.

I used silver chargers at each place setting. For the dining room,
I made white/black napkins cinched with silver napkins rings.
In the living room, I used silver snowflake napkins.
There wasn't much room left on the table for centerpieces, so
I had to keep them small. The living room centerpieces were just
a couple silver decorative tealights. The dining room centerpiece
was just some ornament balls on a decorative tray.

My house was the main course meal stop.
We served prime rib, mac n cheese casserole, green
beans, deviled eggs, and rolls. MMM mmm good!
I can only take credit for the green beans though.
Thanks to Tom, Susan, Danya, Mandy, Evie and
Bethany for helping me out with the main course!
And why didn't I take a pic of the FOOD?!?

When the staff arrived, we had them pick a seat and they
could eat rolls while they waited on their drink and plate of
food. BUT.... I realized that I am not a very good waitress!!
Good thing I stuck to babysitting when I was in college!
After everyone was finished eating, I had the staff play a
little white elephant game. We did this last year - I had good
intentions of coming up with some sort of entertainment that
would be different, but time got away from me. Maybe next year.
Anyways, I just went to the dollar store and bought things that I
thought were pretty useful.... lint roller, back scratcher,
disposable casserole dishes, garment bag, ear plugs,
expandable water bottle, high heel insoles, lighter,
Christmas socks, 8 pack of tissues, multi outlet adapter,
massage tripod, eye mask, a shammy and thermal socks.
So nothing was crazy amazing... but its still something that
will probably get used in the near future, or at least re-gifted! Ha! 
I think they had a pretty good time... if they didn't,
you could have fooled me!!

Sorry mom... but you are so darn cute, I had to include it!

Also, just want to give a HUGE thanks to all the others
who were involved in putting this night together....

Rebecca Albert and Kurt & Jami Buchanan
for opening their homes as well as making food
for the appetizer and dessert stops.

Leslie Arrison, Sharon Rice, and Jim & Melinda
Beuhring for babysitting 12 children! Whew!

Stacey Martin, Mary Beaty and Jennifer Cottrell
for providing food for the kids and babysitters.

 Lauren Savory, Tom Halfhill, Susan Greenwood,
Danya McClintic, Mandy Black, Mary Beaty
 and Anna Lewis for making delicious food and drinks!

Evie Davis and Bethany Sharp for helping me serve food.
I don't think they knew what they were signing up for... the
poor things ended up helping me clean my house too because
I was running out of time, and they came over early! Love you girls!

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